
Thursday, May 05, 2011

Kindness Acts are classic

I'm currently working at the airport, a few days ago I helped a mister who lost his I.D., I remember when I was in duty in the information counter during that time when he asked me to helped him to contact the airport office to report his lost I.D and so he can request for a new one. During that moment, I could see the worry look on his face, because there's a policy in the airport, where if an employee  lost his/her I.D. there's a certain penalty and the worst cased would be getting suspended to have the privileged of an I.D. pass in all areas of the airport. As an employee how can you able to go work without your I.D.? the airport security won't let you in and everyone knows that in any establishment, even in schools that if you have no I.D. you cannot enter the building . Even I was newly hired during that time, I was thankful that I was able to helped him. 

And just two days ago, after few days passed, we met again and unexpectedly he still remembers me. I was touched by that gestures how he can still remember me for what I have done, I could see how grateful he was for my small kindness in helping him during that time. I realized  that, the act of kindness is still classic after all. No matter what, people will never forget your small acts of kindness, they makes you immortal in their hearts. And the best part of it is the happiness you feel in your heart that you know you have helped someone who is in need.

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